Friday, November 13, 2009

I've got The BEST lil' Sis EVER!

On Wed Jen and I were SICK :( and Mom was outside helping Dad...So that meant that Kerri had alot of work to do... lets see....she...Made the meals...Did the wash...Fed the horses...Took care of the kids....Kept the house clean....DO YOU GET THE PICTURE?!?!??....She did all the work with such a willing heart, if I would try to help her she would just say "Go sit down."  WOW! and when Kerri and I were milking she didn' t let me do anything more than I had to!...and if I did Sshe would say "Has nobody ever told you how to listen to your little sister? Now say YES MAM and go sit DOWN!!!" Isn't she just so sweet???? I didn't hear her complain ONCE!



Anonymous said...

Yes I agree with with you see is great tell her I love her.and can't wait to see her love you all

Anonymous said...

Kerri you are so very sweet.
I love you girl.
Can't wait to see you.

The Pauls' Family said...

She must take after her mother....hee hee :) Kerri all this is so true. I am so proud of the amazing, unselfish young lady you have become. It really is a joy to be your mother!

A Walk in My Flip Flops said...

Wow Kerri what a sweet girl. She sounds like Rebekah, in that thing of doing it her self with a willing heart.

Love ya

Karen said...

I like the pitchfork picture.

Erin said...

She looks like fun!!